Introduction ============ GitHub Issues Bot for MI-PYT in FIT CTU in Prague. The program has two modes: console and web app. In *console* mode it labels `issues `__ (checks new one with the specified frequency) in the given repository by the issues itself and their comments, and in *web* mode the program labels new opened issue as soon as possible (by `webhook `__ notification and so one by one). Link to `testpypi `__. Link to `Read The Docs `__. Requirements ~~~~~~~~~~~~ - python 3.5 - libraries: `click `__, `requests `__, `markdown `__, `flask `__, `appdirs `__ Manual ~~~~~~ Installation ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Install package by typing the command: ``python -m pip install --extra-index-url githubissuesbot`` Running app ~~~~~~~~~~~ Then you may run the app by typing ``python -m githubissuesbot`` or just ``githubissuesbot``. Type ``--help`` for command line manual. Creating config files ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Read how to generate configuration files by typing ``python -m githubissuesbot genconf --help`` or ``githubissuesbot genconf --help``. The app requires the following configuration files: **auth.cfg** (with `GitHub personal access token `__), **label.cfg** (with available labels and the appropriate rules as regular expressions), **secret.cfg** (with `webhook secret token `__) and **web.cfg** (web app uses it for reading info about other configuration files). If you want to deploy this app on some host (tested on `pythonanywhere `__), don't forget to manually fix **web_config_file** value in **** on line 39. Type ``--help`` for command line manual. Running tests ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You may run tests by typing ``python test``. You must have file **./tests/fixtures/auth.cfg.truetoken.test**, if you want to rewrite `betamax `__ cassettes. Documentation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Go to package directory and type ``pip install -r docs/requirements.txt`` Then type the following command in order to generate documentation in HTML ``cd docs && make html`` And verify code and documentation consistency by typing ``cd docs && make doctest`` You can reindex package modules by typing from the package directory ``python -m sphinx.apidoc -f -o docs githubissuesbot``